Kevin M. Ellerine

Mr. Kevin M. Ellerine, also known as KM, served as Property Manager at Ellerine Bros. (Pty) Limited since 1993 and also served as its Managing Director of the Property Division since 2000.


Mr. Ellerine has 18 years working experience within the Ellerine Bros. (Pty) Ltd group of companies. He joined the family business Ellerine Holdings Limited in January 1991 as Merchandise Manager. He serves as an Executive Director of Ellerine Bros. (Pty) Ltd and all its subsidiary companies.

He has been a Non-Executive Director of Blue Label Telecoms Limited since December 8, 2009. He has been a Non-Executive Director of Hyprop Investments Ltd. since September 1, 2009. He serves as a Director of The Prepaid Company (Proprietary) Limited. He serves on the boards of all the companies in which Ellerine Bros. is invested including both private and listed groups.

Mr. Ellerine holds a National Diploma in Company Administration

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