We all want to achieve the best possible return on what is probably our largest investment and, when it comes to selling your home in South Africa, understanding how capital gains tax (CGT) applies can be crucial for minimising your tax liability.
Remodelling can be a great way to turn a tired property into a dream home, but taking on a renovation project isn't always smooth sailing - and not all upgrades are equal.
Whether it be after years of living in the same property or spotting a favourable shift in the market, every homeowner eventually faces the difficult question: is it time to sell and move on?
Investing in rental properties can be a lucrative venture, but it's essential for landlords to set realistic expectations and account for all potential expenses before taking the plunge.
A number of significant amendments to the City of Cape Town’s Municipal Planning By-laws of 2015 were promulgated this month (3 February), impacting both home owners and property owners in the hospitality industry who offer short-term and holiday accommodation.
Long the unassuming and often overlooked wallflower of the Southern Suburbs, Plumstead has been attracting growing investor interest in recent years, especially since the bubble burst three years ago.
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