The Industrial Property Market in 2021 is certainly not an easy one to predict. However, learning from the past year’s events gives us a good idea of what we can expect.
One thing that time has proven is that industrial property offers a good return on investment over time and remains an essential need for many sectors.
Rental growth affects values within the industrial property sector, plus is a large determinant of business costs.
Industrial property investors must be aware of what is required to maximize all aspects of a property’s value over a period of time before deciding to sell.
The slowdown of the industrial property market has started to take effect and yields on industrial property investments have started to rise.
Many landlords and tenants feel that they have considered all the aspects of a future tenancy of premises. It is only years down the line that many side-effects of a lease agreement may come into effect, many of which may be negative.
Cross border property transactions have been identified as the next wave of opportunity for property companies, and internationally, organisations have been gearing themselves up to create shareholder value and diversification away from their traditional hunting grounds
Government plans to hold talks on limiting foreign ownership of real estate in South Africa to combat spiralling land and property prices are misguided, say property industry spokesmen.
eProperty News is a leading online commercial property marketplace serving the Southern African Investment, Office, Retail and Industrial property and allied sectors.