The level 1 BBBEE contributor provides full services to Hilton International as well as other hotels chains and is the first South African security company to go international.
Location is a key consideration when choosing where to live or invest in property, say Anton Hartmann and Tyron Baird, of HB Realty.
With the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) coming into effect this week (1 July), community housing schemes which have not yet done so urgently need to appoint their official Information Officers and ensure that they are registered with the Information Regulator.
Commonwealth countries are estimated to have lost up to US$345 billion worth of trade in 2020, including $60 billion in intra-Commonwealth trade, according to 2021 Commonwealth Trade Review on “Energising Commonwealth Trade in a Digital World: Paths to Recovery Post-COVID”.
The TUHF Group of companies is excited to announce the launch of TUHF21 as a “separate but connected” operation from the Group.
Johannesburg Stock Exchange listed EPP, Poland’s biggest retail landlord, continues to demonstrate agility in the ever-changing retail market by positioning its shopping centres as thriving hubs for innovation.
The humble convenience centre, mostly nestled in midst of the rows of houses in burgeoning suburbs has emerged as the most resilient format in an industry that went through a collective event without precedent in modern retail.
For decades, baby boomers ruled the corporate world and, during this time, one of the key hallmarks of a company’s success was always its property; preferably a large, imposing building at a prestigious address where the workers all gathered together daily at the same time to conduct business.
While the South African business sector is faced with many challenges, particularly as a result of uncertainty around the future leadership of the ANC, there is significant opportunity for growth sectors of the local industry during 2018.
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