The Industrial Property Market in 2021 is certainly not an easy one to predict. However, learning from the past year’s events gives us a good idea of what we can expect.
One thing that time has proven is that industrial property offers a good return on investment over time and remains an essential need for many sectors.
Rental growth affects values within the industrial property sector, plus is a large determinant of business costs.
Accessibility, affordability and the current revitalisation project makes the Woodstock & Salt River a sought -after industrial node with higher rentals being charged for available stock.
Industrial property investors must be aware of what is required to maximize all aspects of a property’s value over a period of time before deciding to sell.
Many landlords and tenants feel that they have considered all the aspects of a future tenancy of premises. It is only years down the line that many side-effects of a lease agreement may come into effect, many of which may be negative.
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